Finding That Special Getaway Destination
You’re looking for a special and unique trip that’s different-- a bit off the beaten path-- and will offer great memories from warm and wonderful hosts in unique surroundings?
A trip to warm and friendly Ecuador—featuring the splendor and excitement of nature in the Galapagos Islands--may be just the excitement you’re seeking for your trip of a lifetime. Nature lovers will embrace the cruises offered within the Galapagos—true sailing and yachting adventures in smaller groups, or in larger vessels which offer all the same benefits of larger cruise ships—but without the crowds. Fly from Quito or Guayaquil directly to the Galapagos to start your journey. You can select any multiple of days for sunning, sightseeing, enjoying the camaraderie of new friendships, and learning about native birds, animals, and fauna/flora never seen in other parts of the world.
Check out our webpage at to see the many different options open to you in Ecuador, the Land of Spanish/Indian culture; with the warmth of friendship and the sense of adventure.
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