Looking for that Special Ceviche Recipe? Try this….
You can tour all around the world and still not find the best Ceviche Recipe. Do you think you might find it in a Galapagos Island newsletter? We do!
Because it’s so native to this area? Ceviche, as you probably know, came from our region of the world. Many diners fear the dish, but scientists, food technologists, and chefs around the world will assure you that the dish is not only safe, but phenomenally tasty. Once you find a Ceviche Recipe you love, you’ll always come back to that taste. Let’s share the best recipe we’ve found for Ceviche…and if you’ve got a favorite, send it to us. We’ll include it in a future edition.
Peter’s "Soon-To-Be-Famous" Ceviche
Ingredients used will vary from area to area, but we find that the basic ingredients of Ceviche remain the same:
• 1 lb. medium or large shrimp—Peeled and Deveined
• 1 medium red onion
• 1 tsp of chopped fresh garlic
• Parsley and cilantro to taste
• Black pepper to taste
• Salt
• Olive oil
• Juice of ½ orange
• Juice of 1 lemon
• 3 chopped tomatoes
Preparation Directions: Bring 3 1/2 cups of water to a boil. Add salt, pepper and garlic. Bring the water again to a full rolling boil, and add the shrimp. Do not overcook the shrimp; you will see them turn a light pink color. Overcooking the shrimp toughens them.
As soon as the shrimp change color from gray to light pink, remove them from the heat.
Put the shrimp (including the water they were boiled in) into a bowl and toss them with the olive oil, lemon, orange, salt, pepper, chopped tomatoes, onions, parsley, and cilantro. No eating until the dish has chilled for maximum flavor!
Refrigerate for at least one hour.
Serve with slices of fried sweet potatoes. Enjoy!